Scientific research according to its purpose and the depth of the object of study: Introductory analysis

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Scientific research according to its purpose and the depth of the object of study: Introductory analysis


Walter Arturo Quispe Cutipa, Julia Cecilia Yon Delgado, Waldo Guitton Lozano, Olmedo Pizango Isuiza, Adha Morales Moya, Eduardo Zorrilla Tarazona, Juan Luis Pérez Marín

ISBN: In progress

ARK: In progress

DOI: In progress

«The intricacy of contemporary scientific issues increasingly necessitates collaboration across various disciplines; however, substantial obstacles hinder the establishment of effective partnerships between fields. Often, researchers operate in isolation, which restricts the vital exchange of ideas and expertise essential for fostering innovative solutions. To enhance collaboration, institutions ought to promote projects that span multiple disciplines and create forums for scientists from diverse backgrounds to engage in meaningful discussions»

Walter Arturo Quispe Cutipa

Published: 01/03/2025

Location: Colonia, Uruguay

ISBN Catalog – Uruguay: In progress