Hans Freudenthal’s realistic mathematical theory: Didactics and research paradigms

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Hans Freudenthal’s realistic mathematical theory: Didactics and research paradigms


Juan Carlos Lázaro Guillermo, Erick Guitton Lozano, Juan Luis Pérez Marín, Milton Juan Carlos Barreda Fachin, Rogger Wagner Peña Pasmiño, Julia Cecilia Yon Delgado

ISBN: 978-9915-9706-6-0

ARK: ark:/10951/isbn.9789915970660

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70288/emc.9789915970660

«Realistic Mathematics Education, presented in this book, does not claim to be a comprehensive theory of learning like constructivism, but is a holistic philosophy implemented through a set of subject-specific teaching theories for mathematical subjects«

Juan Carlos LÁzaro Guillermo

Published: 16/09/2024

ISBN Agency: http://isbn.bibna.gub.uy/catalogo.php?mode=detalle&nt=51279

Location: Colonia, Colonia-Uruguay

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