Emotional intelligence and human development in education: Literature review

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Emotional intelligence and human development in education: Literature review


Edgar Ricardo Yauri Rivera, Nora Inés Ríos Layche, Velú Marianela Valles Medina, Giovanna Magali Salazar Hernández, Isabel Natividad Urure Velasco, Andrea Mercedes Alvarez Rubio, Elizabeth Norma Calixto Arias

ISBN: 978-9915-9732-4-1

ARK: ark:/10951/isbn.9789915973241

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17613/y29zg-9na74

«The purpose of this book is to make the reader aware of the importance of the development of emotional intelligence (E.I.) for human development and its education in people’s lives and the need to strengthen education, especially the second cycle of pre-school education. Knowing that this is a critical period, we assume that this education will positively affect the development of cognitive intelligence and success in various areas of life»

edgar ricardo yauri rivera

Published: 27/11/2024

Location: Colonia del Sacramento, Colonia-Uruguay

Link to ISBN catalogue: http://isbn.bibna.gub.uy/catalogo.php?mode=detalle&nt=52041

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