To teach students how to apply mathematical concepts to real-life situations, it is
important to engage them in guided activities that involve organizing realistic problems.
The terms “realistic” and “reality” are used in this context to refer to situations that align
with common sense and are perceived as genuine within a given scenario.
In the early grades, we focus on familiar everyday contexts and situations
involving numbers, such as people getting on and off a bus. As students become more
familiar with numbers and their relationships, their understanding of what is real or
meaningful to them expands. It is important to note that the term “realistic” is often
misunderstood in a narrow sense, which is due to the choice of this name. In Dutch, “zich
realis-eren” means to imagine. Therefore, in a broader sense, a situation is considered
realistic as long as it is presented to the individual as feasible, reasonable, or imaginable.
For example, when we teach geometry and measurement, estimation, ratios, and
proportions, we can draw inspiration from works of fiction such as “Gulliver’s Travels.”
The goal of mathematics education, according to Freudenthal, is to develop in
students a mathematical disposition that includes a variety of skills and abilities. This
includes the ability to identify the essential aspects of a situation, problem, procedure,
algorithm, symbolization, or axiomatic system. It also involves recognizing common
features, analogies, and isomorphisms, as well as providing examples of general ideas
and discovering new objects and operations.
Students should be encouraged to find shortcuts, develop new strategies, invent
new symbolizations, and reflect on their own thinking by considering different
perspectives or points of view. In addition, mathematical readiness includes using
functional language and conventional variables, determining the appropriate level of
precision for a given problem, identifying mathematical structures in a context, and
recognizing when it is not relevant or appropriate to use mathematics. Therefore,